Another day, another adventure! We kicked off the morning with our usual routine: a nourishing breakfast followed by the usual team leader meeting. Today’s plan mirrors yesterday’s, with a small but important twist. While one group is staying at the venue to assemble the kits, the rest of us are eagerly preparing to explore more of our host country. It’s a great balance of hard work and fun, and we’re excited to see what the day brings!
Today it was time for the groups Mendel, Diviš, and Purkyně to go for their museum visit. As we had to spontaneously shift our plans yesterday due to the weather, the group yesterday was visiting another museum. For today’s excursion, we went to the National Technical Museum in Prague and delved into the fascinating world of technology and innovation. We explored impressive collections of vintage automobiles, powerful locomotives, and early computing devices. The museum offered a captivating journey through time, showcasing the ingenuity of human minds. With having our lunch-to-go in the museum, we afterwards went to a viewpoint which was just a few steps next to the museum. As time allowed it, we decided to not only to explore the area around the museum, but take the metro to Vyšehrad. It offers breathtaking views of Prague, along with a nice park to hang out and historical monuments like the Vyšehrad Cathedral.
The remaining groups Křižík, Wichterle and Ressel, in the meantime made their kits at the venue. One half of the day was about making the antenna kit that we already presented yesterday. After the lunch break the kit building continued. As a second kit, we built a small receiver. Experienced kit builders just built up the kit pretty fast, but for beginners there was an easy to follow step-to-step instruction. Once the kit was built, it was measured with a frequency counter and signal generator to make sure that everything works as expected. With this done, we had a receiver for both CW and SSB for 40m and 80m band in our hands that was just a little smaller than a smartphone these days!
As everyone reunited just in time for the dinner, we enjoyed our meal before it was time for another round of the team presentations showcasing what they are doing in their country and member society and present their youth activities. And next up as final part of the schedule was a presentation by the Youth Working Group, introducing the IARU and what they are focusing on in their working group. For everyone to become part of improving youth work, we continued with a discussion round in small groups on what can be done and taken into account when thinking about the youth situation in ham radio.
With all this calling it a day, we want to emphasize again, that also today the participants have been very active activating the station! Not only when they finished their kit building or in the evening after the program. One team already asked right at the arrival day, whether it is possible to participate in an 1h long contest of their country, as during the contest hours the camp schedule was busy. What a great example showing the interest of youngsters to operate and take part in their MS on-air activities!