We recently received a quote from Team YOTA Oceania lead Benjamin (ZL2BCI) in IARU Region 3 about their future plans.
He says: “YOTA Oceania is looking to run a field day event next year in Wellington, at the Kaitoke camping ground for the Jock White Memorial Field Day. This annual contest is named to honor Jock White, ZL2GX a former NZART Contest and Awards Manager. Our aim is to establish effective temporary HF radio stations, to work as many other New Zealand stations as possible, and to learn to operate in less than optimal band conditions. We are also planning on trying to make contact with some of our Australian counterparts during the weekend. The callsigns we will be operating under will either ZL2YOTA or ZL6YOTA. Hope to catch you on the air on the 27-28th of February 2021.”
We wish them good luck with their efforts and hope to get them down our logs!
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