During the YOTA Bulgaria 2019 the Swedish team consisted out of two participants. The camp was considered great fun, but a general thought was that the time planning seemed a little off. For some things, that could have needed more time, time was missing and for some things, we were done way before the schedule. To the “thumbs up”-parts, the team liked that there was a lot of activities presented and nice to see that our hobby has so many side tracks.
The Swedish Youth team, SK0YT, consists of 6 members in the central committee. There is supposed to be one from each district SM0-SM7 but at the moment, representation from SM1 and SM4 is missing. There are more youngsters in Sweden, but they are not included in the planning committee.
Since YOTA, no youth activities have been done in Sweden. But the Swedish youth team is planning to have a camp for December YOTA Month. The camp will be held in Jönköping and we expect about 5-10 youngsters.
The weekend thereafter, we are planning a Nordic youth meeting. This will be a meeting where all Nordic youth societies can discuss how we will do the NOTA which is one of the things we are planning on for long term. Even though the camp was planned to be held in Norway, the Swedish committee helps the Norwegian one in terms of planning, the camp is also likely to be held in Sweden which makes us responsible for the planning. But at the moment, that is only briefly planned.