Train the Trainer report – Germany – January 2021

in 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Germany.

Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas?

Due to the pandemic, many licence courses could no longer take place. We therefore set up our own video conferencing platform using BigBlueButton for our society, on which initially only licensing courses could take place and later – after further expansion of hardware resources – the meetings of the local clubs could be held online.

The advantage of hosting this system on our own is that we have no problems regarding GDPR and every incumbent can use it for free after authenticating with their member ID. For this purpose, we (DARC Youth department) have programmed a special website for the conference room administration, which can access the users and roles in the DARC members database.

A planned HAM first-semester course at the local university of applied sciences was converted into an online-course. Unfortunately, the practical part of the course was reduced. Only a small “trainee-contest” on UHF was performed (similar to the CQTU contest,, as this event was compatible to social distancing rules.
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
The operation of the video conferencing platform has kept us completely busy. But the effort is worth it, as courses and meetings of local clubs now take place every day. We have also started a seminar series where every 14 days there is a lecture on, for example, contesting or logbook programmes or how to operate measurement technology or do QSOs on QO-100 etc. that all members can attend online. Okay, it’s not just for the youth, but it’s cool.
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?

As we coordinate radio operations in DYM with an online calendar and chat group, there is little difference from last year. However, some participants could not use the club station as usual because they were closed due to the pandemic.

Nevertheless, we have welcomed new faces to the operator team this year, who have been very active in using the callsign DB0YOTA from home.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?

We have ~982 local clubs. Some are very active and can adequately mentor young newcomers. Some have an average age of over 60 and need to be gradually rejuvenated before proper youth work can begin here. It makes no sense for a 16-year-old to come to a group of people who, to put it bluntly, only talk about their illnesses and the good old days of tube amplifiers.

Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?
Try to connect the young people as much as possible. We have seen during our YOTA Subregional Camp in 2019 that lots of youngsters don’t know each other even when they only live 20km apart. Therefore, we have established our own Telegram channel where we announce youth activities directly, as this information often does not reach the young people through official society channels (e.g. website or club newsletter).


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact

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