Youth activities I have done since yota:
- I have participated in jota joti with the scouts, this was a great event for the scouts to see what amateur radio is about I had tried to do some sstv but the conditions were fairly poor so I could not receive a clear transmission with the other scout group, this year’s joti jota was south Africa’s biggest jota with 42 scout stations and 14 scout stations which is an increase of 6 from last year
- I have been trying to build an end fed antenna so that once I have learnt how to I can assist others in the making of the end fed
Plans I have for the next 2 months:
- Finish the end fed
- Figure out how to create a sstv transmitter that captures images and the transmits them sothat I can receive them a little further away so I can do demonstrations of the encoding andthe transmissions
- Figure out how digital modes work and play around with that so that I can demonstrate thatas well to create some interest in the youth
- Design and 3d print a case or build one from aluminium extrusion for my qsx rig
Plans for a longer duration of time:
- Do some research on amplifiers
- Build a linier amplifier with my dad
- Have a look into band pass filters and get an estimate price for building one and costs forpurchasing one and then having a look at what works out best for the use during field days
and jota
4. Fixing my b25 rigs power supply so I can use it for radar or sota/lota activations