Press Release by Youngsters On The Air
Friday, 22.05.2020
The Youth Working Group within the IARU Region 1 created a newly developed program called “YOTA online”. In these monthly gatherings we will try to bring the YOTA feeling towards the online community and spread the word that there is youth in hamradio. A YOTA team consisting of active youngsters will present different topics. While answering questions from the community there will be also a part where different recent YOTA events will be described and participant stories will be shared followed by a Q&A session with the presenters. At the end of the event we will also do a prize raffle amongst all participants.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all planned YOTA events until September 2020 had to be cancelled or postponed. This included for example the Summer Camps in all IARU Regions 1, 2 and 3 as well as Subregional Camps, Youth Contest Programs, or our presence during the HAMRADIO fair 2020 in Friedrichshafen. This and the fact that lots of youngsters want to join YOTA activities each year lend us to create an interactive format to gather youngsters online on a regular basis.
The first meeting will take place on 28th May 2020 from 1800 UTC as a livestream and will take around one hour. Of course, the participation is for free and open to anyone who wants to take part worldwide. We will share the link to our server one day prior to the event on our homepage and social media channels. The event will also be livestreamed to our Youtube Channel and will be recorded to be available online at any time.
We hope to have the chance to welcome you in a few days during our YOTA online meeting!
Youngsters On The Air is an initiative by the IARU Region 1
Get in contact with us at pr@ham-yota.com
Follow us on our homepage ham-yota.com and please leave us a like on our Social Media Channels at
facebook.com/hamyota, twitter.com/hamyota, instagram.com/hamyota_official, youtube.com/hamyota
hi, I’m interested to join & be part of these event. hope you consider me. I’m James Paredes (DW1SVN) from Manila, Philippines
Hi James,
you are more than welcome to join the event. We will share the platform where it will take place soon.
73 Philipp, DK6SP