RSGB – YOTA Follow Up
Peter Barnes MØSWN – Team Leader Ben Chalmers MØNBA
Mike Jones 2E0MLJ (Now M5PMJ) Nathan Prentice MIØNPR
Feedback at YOTA 2018
Youth Committee
● Regional representatives who are active on the ground
● “dxpedition” to wales
● December YOTA Month
● YOTA 2017
● Social Media Presence
Future Plans
● University radio club group – for helping to support university clubs and set up new ones
● YOTA style events aimed at non-amateurs
● Buildathons
● Older radio amateurs bringing in younger non-amateurs
● Hackathons
● Moving away from ‘stereotypical’ amateur radio to focus more on building wireless
Comments from Peter Barnes, Team Leader
Despite the short amount of time that has passed since our team was in South Africa for YOTA 2018, I feel that the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has made an appreciable amount of progress. The Youth Committee is now supporting the birth of two new university clubs: one in Cardiff University and a second at Bath University. Myself, Ben and Nathan, who are new to the Youth Committee, have been welcomed into our roles; with Ben organising the UK’s YOTA Month stations, and myself working with new University clubs. I think this shows great promise for the year to come, and the future of Amateur Radio in the UK.
Peter Barnes – MØSWN
What youth activities did you do since YOTA 2018?
I’ve continued my work at Swansea University, where I set up a new radio club last year. This year we attended the Fresher’s Fayre, where we had over 20 young people sign up to become a member of the club. We have since run a welcome nigth, a satellite tracking evening, and a workshop on building a local area network using point-to-point WiFi links.
What are your plans for the next 2 months?
I will be continuing to run club night and events in Swansea, including a YOTA month station. I am also helping individuals from Bath and Cardiff universities to establish new Amateur Radio clubs there. I have also set up a community for UK university Amateur Radio clubs to communicate with each other, and provide communal support
What are your long term plans? In the next 6-12 months
I hope to plan some more events for the Swansea club, and perhaps a collaboration with other UK universities
If you have made any posters, powerpoints et. please send them too
Also include some pictures of the activities you have done
I don’t have very much material to share at the moment, as it hasn’t been long since the start of term. I have attached what I have alongside this document
If any new youngsters were licensed since YOTA 2018, how many?
None yet, but I have 6 signed up for a Foundation Licence Course, and 4 for an Intermediate Course.
Links to your official social media pages
Swansea Radio Society ● Website
● Twitter
● Facebook ● Discord
● Website
● Twitter
● Facebook
Ben Chalmers MØNBA
What youth activities did you do since YOTA 2018?
Since YOTA I have been charged with orchestrating the YOTA month GB18YOTA call sign.
What are your plans for the next 2 months?
Attempt to host YOTA month and set up a LoRa base station in my university.
What are your long term plans? In the next 6-12 months
To test, through nasal inhalation, all of the magical dusts.
If you have made any posters, powerpoints et. please send them too
Also include some pictures of the activities you have done
I don’t have very much material to share at the moment, as it hasn’t been long since the start of term. I have attached what I have alongside this document
If any new youngsters were licensed since YOTA 2018, how many?
None yet, although I have gained a degree of interest from some engineers at university.
Links to your official social media pages
M0NBA on Freenode
Mike Jones 2E0MLJ (Now M5PMJ)
Mike has resigned his role as chairman of the youth committee due to external commitments, but remains active as a youth committee member.
Nathan Prentice MIØNPR
Follow-up document sent separately