9A1A contest location is in village Kozjača, located about 40km SE from Zagreb or 20 km from Zagreb Airport. Station is constructed for Multi – Multi operation, and such installation permits MS, M2 or SO SB contest participation. Station set up includes to be on air in SO SB category in same time on all six bands.
There are 4 antenna towers, 2 times 36 meters, one 40m and one 26m height.
Shack has 62,5m2 including operating room, small bath room, kitchen and sleeping room.
The whole infrastructure is built in accordance to Croatian law. It passed „Technical Acceptance Test” and it has „Usage permit“ issued by appropriate authorities.
That means „No problem with any possible complaints from neighbours“ !
Antenna installation has 36 various antennas. Antenna systems are selected by antenna switchers, antenna rotation is in use in rare situations.
9A1A has two contest teams.
The first one is consisted by all club members having good contesting skills, and team includes our youngsters too. 9A1A call is in use.
Guest operators from all over the world are always welcome.
Second team is youngsters’ team.
They started in amateur radio as second grade students of Technical school Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb. Some of them are now on University, some of them are still school students.
In contests they are using call 9A1RBZ. They are in age between 16 and 20.
9A1RBZ is call for station installed in school. Croatian Amateur Radio sub law permits use of any call on other location with power limits given in licence of host station, and that is why they are using 9A1RBZ call.
9A1RBZ members have been world winners as team or single band operators in EA RTTY Contest 2014, SCC RTTY Championship 2014, YO DX HF Contest 2014. They have been on top list two times in UBA DX Contest SSB, years 2014 and 2015.
Claimed scores in SCC RTTY Championship 2015 shows to be world winner again.
From this year starting with SAC SSB Contest 9A1RBZ will participate in IARU Region 1 „Youth Contesting Program“ – YCP.
In SAC SSB 9A1RBZ team members are :
OE3FTA, Florian
9A7MIM, Mihaela
9A7MSM, Marija
9A7CDZ, Domagoj
9A5CPP, Petar
Maybe some others will join them.
Youngsters from IARU R1 are welcome to participate in 9A1RBZ contest team.
Next contest planned is EA RTTY Contest 2016.
Actions will be coordinated with Lisa, PA2LS IARU R1 Youth WG Chairman.