Beginning from 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Czech Republic
Main Questions:
How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas?
We didn’t really work with youth, however, we tried to work with kids and it went really well. Committee for Children and Youth held the first Kids On The Air (weekend) camp.
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?
Other Questions:
What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?
Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?
If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact