Train the Trainer report – Czech Republic – January 2021

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Beginning from 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Czech Republic


Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas? 

We didn’t really work with youth, however, we tried to work with kids and it went really well. Committee for Children and Youth held the first Kids On The Air (weekend) camp.

How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
They hadn’t. In case there are only a few young ham radio operators we didn’t do anything special. Yes, we are in contact but mainly if there are things moving, it’s mainly during DYM.
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?
The tradition here in the Czech Republic is that we have been doing a small meeting during the DYM. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to do one because of the pandemic situation. Good thing is that they were some new faces calling under OL20YOTA this year.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?
That there is a lack of young people between 15 – 25 years old. They are kinds (who hopefully will be our future youth) but not youth.
Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact

Kids On The Air 2020

Train the Trainer report – Thailand – January 2021

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Beginning from 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Thailand


Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas? 
We schedule to have our first IARU3 international YOTA in October 2020 but postponed it due to Covid-19.
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
Yes, Due to Covid-19 we encourage the members to draw their children and youth near the area to QSO from their station and provide accurate information about amateur radio.
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?
Receive ISS signal by a small youth group from Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering on 26 DEC 2020, this year we focus on satellite communication, they are fun and educational.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?

Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact

Train the Trainer report – Spain – January 2021

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Beginning from 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Spain

Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas? 
In our case, the COVID-19 pandemic was very strong, and although in summer cases went down, most of the activities were cancelled, including a small camp planned for July.
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
As said before, COVID-19 is hitting strongly in Spain, and leisure meetings were very very limited, and now are not allowed (very few provinces maybe are allowed). Also, sadly, everyone from the youth commitee quitted in November. Online events seem to be a pretty good idea, so we may try something. We’ll see if we manage to get some people to participate.
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?

We usually had 2 callsigns on the air during DYM, this year we had only one, EF4YOTA. Interested people can get on the air if their parents or family have a license, from their personal station, or if the participants themselves have a callsign. In the case that any province could have leisure meetings, people would be able to get on the air with the radioclub station, but with the actual situation seems it was very difficult. Although this year I saw that more youngsters participated in this year’s DYM, so it’s good.

To sum up, this year was be very limited as only people which had relation with amateur radio were able to participate, but well at least we could be on the air.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?
We have to see who wants to join to create a new youth commitee, as the other one quitted, but this is only a matter of time. We’ll see in the future how it develops.
Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?

Not for the moment


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact


Train the Trainer report – Algeria – January 2021

By | Publication, Train the trainer | No Comments

In 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Algeria.

Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas?
We are currently trying the improve upon the skills of our youth, from ham operations to general technical knowledge (Electronics, Math, Physics…)
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?

We had video conference calls with online courses as well as preparing for the certification exam online.

What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?
It was quite a disastre as most radio clubs in Algeria were closed most of the time. We could however manage remote operation on the stations.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?

Youngsters are really busy with their studies as there was a huge delay to start courses. Thus, they do not have time for a hobby these days.

Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?
Try and focus on the aspect of HamRadio that is of interest for the particular group of youngsters. Some might be more interested by data encoding than by radio operation. Diversity is a blessing!


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact

Train the Trainer report – Germany – January 2021

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in 2021 there are some changes to Train the Trainer reports. The biggest of them being that the participating countries are from now on asked direct questions in order to make answering the report easier. The answers in this particular report are from member(s) of YOTA team Germany.

Main Questions:

How was the last summer in your country when it comes to youth work within ham radio? Did you come up with any new exciting ideas?

Due to the pandemic, many licence courses could no longer take place. We therefore set up our own video conferencing platform using BigBlueButton for our society, on which initially only licensing courses could take place and later – after further expansion of hardware resources – the meetings of the local clubs could be held online.

The advantage of hosting this system on our own is that we have no problems regarding GDPR and every incumbent can use it for free after authenticating with their member ID. For this purpose, we (DARC Youth department) have programmed a special website for the conference room administration, which can access the users and roles in the DARC members database.

A planned HAM first-semester course at the local university of applied sciences was converted into an online-course. Unfortunately, the practical part of the course was reduced. Only a small “trainee-contest” on UHF was performed (similar to the CQTU contest,, as this event was compatible to social distancing rules.
How have your activities changed in the past six months? Have you been able to hold e.g. online events or activities within a smaller group of people?
The operation of the video conferencing platform has kept us completely busy. But the effort is worth it, as courses and meetings of local clubs now take place every day. We have also started a seminar series where every 14 days there is a lecture on, for example, contesting or logbook programmes or how to operate measurement technology or do QSOs on QO-100 etc. that all members can attend online. Okay, it’s not just for the youth, but it’s cool.
What kind of activities and operating possibilities did you have during the recent December YOTA Month? How did your activities differ from last year, and how did people respond to them?

As we coordinate radio operations in DYM with an online calendar and chat group, there is little difference from last year. However, some participants could not use the club station as usual because they were closed due to the pandemic.

Nevertheless, we have welcomed new faces to the operator team this year, who have been very active in using the callsign DB0YOTA from home.

Other Questions:

What kind of problems are you facing with youth work in your member society?

We have ~982 local clubs. Some are very active and can adequately mentor young newcomers. Some have an average age of over 60 and need to be gradually rejuvenated before proper youth work can begin here. It makes no sense for a 16-year-old to come to a group of people who, to put it bluntly, only talk about their illnesses and the good old days of tube amplifiers.

Anything else that comes to your mind or you want to share?
Try to connect the young people as much as possible. We have seen during our YOTA Subregional Camp in 2019 that lots of youngsters don’t know each other even when they only live 20km apart. Therefore, we have established our own Telegram channel where we announce youth activities directly, as this information often does not reach the young people through official society channels (e.g. website or club newsletter).


If you have anything to ask about Train the Trainer, please contact

SWL QSL Card Requests for DYM Activities now available

By | Publication, YOTA Month, YOTA Month 2020 | No Comments
Are you a short wave listener who listened to YOTA stations during one of the December YOTA Months since 2013?
We have good news for you! We have just opened up the opportunity on our website to request #SWL QSL cards easily.
Just fill out this form at






Youngsters On The Air is an initiative by the IARU Region 1

Get in contact with us at

Follow us on our homepage and please leave us a like on our Social Media Channels at

YOTA online – Session #9 “Recap: December YOTA Month 2020”

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Press Release by Youngsters On The Air
Thursday, 15.01.2021

Are you ready for our upcoming YOTA online session already?
Did you set your alarms to Thursday, 28.01.2021 – 1900 UTC?

In this newest episode the team will present the main topic “Recap: December YOTA Month 2020“. This time we will have our YOTA IT team speaking about their self-developed DYM website and its newest features as well as guests talking about their impressions on the 2020 activity. Furthermore, we will also have a special prize draw after you solved our new riddle live on the show. We will give away two more ICOM merch packages. So, stay tuned and be excited!

The Youth Working Group within the IARU Region 1 created a new program called “YOTA online”. In these monthly gatherings we will try to bring the YOTA feeling towards the online community and spread the word that there is youth in ham radio. A YOTA team consisting of active youngsters will present different topics, while answering questions from the community. There will also be a section where different recent YOTA event hosts will be able to present the highlights, while also giving participants the opportunity to share stories. These sessions are also interesting if you want to learn more about organizing such amateur radio events for young people. This will be followed by a Q&A session with the group presenting. At the end of the event we will also do a prize raffle including a little riddle amongst all participants.

We will be streaming live again on our Youtube, Facebook and Twitch channels. Furthermore, we try to stream via the QO-100 geostationary satellite in DATV mode again.

Here are the links to our channels.
Youtube –
Twitch –
Facebook –

If you have questions while the event takes place do not hesitate to ask them.
Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring only the chats on Facebook, Youtube and Twitch while we are streaming live.
All other comments will be answered afterwards for sure.

If you missed earlier episodes or just want to watch a topic again it is very easy.
Just visit our Youtube Channel and select what you want to see.

We hope to welcome you on the show!




Youngsters On The Air is an initiative by the IARU Region 1

Get in contact with us at

Follow us on our homepage and please leave us a like on our Social Media Channels at,,,,,


International Kids Day event on Saturday, 2nd January 2021

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Press Release by Youngsters On The Air
Thursday, 31.12.2020

Twice a year, ARRL – the American Radio Society – offers an event designed to promote Amateur Radio to the youth as well as share excitement with your family, grandkids, friends, scouts or even to the public. This day can be the first time for youth to experience a real radio QSO, hopefully they get interested in becoming a licensed amateur radio operator.
You could make use of this suggested exchange: Name, age, location, and favorite color.
Be sure to work the same station again if an operator has changed. To draw attention, call “CQ Kids Day”.

When you want to participate in IARU R1 we suggest you to use the following frequencies:

10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz
15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz
20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz
40 Meters: 7.080 to 7.120 MHz
80 Meters: 3.650 to 3.750 MHz

For more information please visit our homepage at

Saturday, 2nd January 2021 will be the next Kids Day activity. Of course, this one will be a bit different than previous ones. Therefore, we recommend everyone to follow the COVID-19 guidelines in these difficult times. Nevertheless, if you are young, close to a radio and do have an amateur radio license, get on the air and share a picture of your activation via social media and tag @hamyota on Twitter and Facebook, @hamyota_official on Instagram or by email to until Tuesday, 5th January 2021 at 2359 UTC.

We will send out up to 5x original YOTA T-Shirts in the color you like to persons who shared the coolest Kids Day activity picture(s) with us! Check out our collection at

Please visit the ARRL homepage for participation awards and further information useful during the upcoming Kids Day activity at

Let us hope we can show Amateur Radio to our friends, family, and other kids during next Kids Day activity again!




Youngsters On The Air is an initiative by the IARU Region 1

Get in contact with us at

Follow us on our homepage and please leave us a like on our Social Media Channels at,,,,

December YOTA Month Awards and Plaques

By | Publication, YOTA Month 2020 | No Comments

The December YOTA Month team is pleased to announce a few things:

We are able to provide awards for ham radio operators as well as SWLs from now on.
While nothing has changed for the on air contacts between YOTA special event stations and radio operators, SWLs can log their heard QSOs directly on our event website.
SWLs have to register themselves on our website to be able to obtain their awards. If you don’t have an official SWL callsign yet – no worries!
You can also use your nickname to obtain the awards in bronze, silver, gold and platinum.


Furthermore, SWLs can request QSL cards on our website soon as well.
You will have to enter the heard QSO data to a form and we will be happy to provide you a card as requested.
To get the requested card(s) you have to have your own SWL callsign and be a member of a national society and its QSL service, though.


Moreover, we are offering 7 different wooden plaques after the DYM activity in the following categories:

  • Most stations contacted (CW)
    First to contact the most unique active YOTA stations in CW mode within the award program
  • Most stations contacted (SSB)
    First to contact the most unique active YOTA stations in SSB mode within the award program
  • Most stations contacted (DIGITAL)
    First to contact the most unique active YOTA stations in DIGITAL modes within the award program
  • Most stations contacted
    First to contact the most unique active YOTA stations overall within the award program
  • Best overall score OM
    Best overall achieved award score by an OM
  • Best overall score YL
    Best overall achieved award score by a YL
  • Best overall score Youngster
    Best overall achieved award score by a Youngster (< 26)

Only one plaque will be awarded per entry.
A station winning a plaque will not be considered for a sub-area award; the plaque will be awarded to the runner-up in that area.

If you are the station who contacted the most stations overall, you cannot be considered for most stations contacted (CW, SSB, DIGITAL) as well as best overall scores anymore.
This applies to all categories.

The DYM team will announce the winners based on the award calculation on the YOTA Social Media Channels as well as contact them via their email address (as on after January 20th 2021.
If there is no response by the winning ham within 7 days after the announcement, we will shift the plaque to the runner-up in that area due to missing shipping details.


Enjoy the last week of DYM 2020 and get those YOTA stations into your logbook!

YOTA online – Session #8 “December Special”

By | Publication, YOTA online | No Comments

Press Release by Youngsters On The Air
Thursday, 10.12.2020

Are you ready for our upcoming YOTA online session already?
Did you set your alarms to Thursday, 17.12.20201900 UTC?

In this newest episode the team will present the main topic “December Special”. This time we will have a lot of guests on the show talking about the YOTA program as well as other awesome topics.
Furthermore, we will also have a special prize draw after you solved our new riddle live on the show. We will reveal the big prize, an ICOM radio, on our social media channels soon. So, stay tuned and be excited!

The Youth Working Group within the IARU Region 1 created a new program called “YOTA online”. In these monthly gatherings we will try to bring the YOTA feeling towards the online community and spread the word that there is youth in ham radio. A YOTA team consisting of active youngsters will present different topics, while answering questions from the community. There will also be a section where different recent YOTA event hosts will be able to present the highlights, while also giving participants the opportunity to share stories. These sessions are also interesting if you want to learn more about organizing such amateur radio events for young people. This will be followed by a Q&A session with the group presenting. At the end of the event we will also do a prize raffle including a little riddle amongst all participants.

We will be streaming live again on our Youtube, Facebook and Twitch channels. Furthermore, we try to stream via the QO-100 geostationary satellite in DATV mode again.

Here are the links to our channels.
Youtube –
Twitch –
Facebook –

If you have questions while the event takes place do not hesitate to ask them.
Please keep in mind that we will be monitoring only the chats on Facebook, Youtube and Twitch while we are streaming live.
All other comments will be answered afterwards for sure.

If you missed earlier episodes or just want to watch a topic again it is very easy.
Just visit our Youtube Channel and select what you want to see.

We hope to welcome you on the show!




Youngsters On The Air is an initiative by the IARU Region 1

Get in contact with us at

Follow us on our homepage and please leave us a like on our Social Media Channels at,,,,,