We are inviting you to join the International Youth Meeting:
Date: Saturday 15-7-2017
Time: 10.00
Place: Room Liechtenstein
– Welcome and short introduction of attendees
– Lecture of the youth contesting program at 9A1A, by HA8RT DK6SP OE3FTA
– Open mic, Share experience on youth activities. This is the moment to share your experiences on youth activities and to ask questions to other attendees.
As tradition we will end the meeting with a group picture
Youngsters On the Air
Members of the UK YOTA team will be in HAM Radio Friedrichshafen to receive the YOTA flag.
Everyone is invited to join on Saturday 15-7-2017, 15:30 hr, the flag ceremony.
The official YOTA flag will be handed over from the YOTA Austria 2016 team to the organizers of YOTA 2017.
We hope to see you at the RSGB stand!