Every year, for the entire month of December, several youngsters under 26 become active with their national YOTA callsigns.
This will continue in the 12th edition of December YOTA Month (DYM) starting from today!
We have already 48 active YOTA callsigns from different countries participating this year.
Check out active stations at events.ham-yota.com/spots.
Remember to follow us during DYM and listen in on the air for all the YOTA stations.
Everyone can support the youth worldwide by collecting QSOs with YOTA stations on as many bands and modes as possible.
Collecting QSOs can make you eligible for Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards.
Take note: Awards are not live yet, they will become live later in the competition.
Allways been interested in young amateurs. got my licence when I was 16 years old, began as SWL three years before.Now I AM 85….I have participated trying to get as many QSO as possible, and so far have more than 110 points (unofficial).
I would appreciate very much to be one of next year’s participants as LA6YOTA (or some other prefix).
What do I have to do before trying to obtain a licence for a YOTA call?
Regards from Norway.
‘JIM’ Jorgen S. Aabech