YOTA December month is about to start. 38 YOTA callsigns in total will be active from schools, scoutings or just used by young radio amateurs under the age of 26 years. Try to make a QSO with the youngsters, be aware that some of them are new to the radio hobby, while others are more experienced. Goal is to show this amazing radio amateur hobby to youth and to have more “youngsters on the air”.
The YOTA stations will be active throughout the entire month of December. All info about the stations is available on this page.
There is a special award available for working YOTA stations.
In total there can be 4 awards achieved:
Bronze: worked 5 YOTA stations
Silver: worked 10 YOTA stations
Gold: worked 15 YOTA stations
Platinum: worked 25 YOTA stations
Awards can be requested through this link.

The entire month of December several youngsters will become active with YOTA as suffix in the callsign. The idea for this is to show the amateur radio hobby to youth and to encourage youngsters to be active on the ham radio waves. Give a demonstration on a school or local club, gather together with your friends, grab a pizza and make some QSO’s or enjoy a great pile-up. Let us all show this great hobby to the world!
Feel free to make a QSO with the youngsters, they are happy to get some attention and exchange information. Licensed and unlicensed youth will be making QSO’s, be aware this could be their first radio contact ever and give them a chance to experience a possible new hobby.
Or apply for a YOTA callsign. To apply for this you need to follow some rules:
1- Follow the rules. Although this is a friendly activity, some rules are needed.
2- Have a callsign with YOTA in suffix. For example: PA6YOTA
3- Maximum of 2 callsigns per country If you are willing to make an exception, for example your country has several prefix districts, feel free to contact us with your request.
4- Applicants must ensure that the callsign is used primarily to get Youngsters On The Air (Youngsters are defined by IARU R1 as ‘under-26’)
5- We kindly ask to upload the ADIF log on a daily basis. At least all QSO’s must be send as ADIF file before 10 January 2016.
6- All QSO’s must be made in December 2015.
7- This is NOT a contest, we are trying to spread the word! Talk to people about what we do, not only quick 5/9’s. Admitting, a pile-up is always fun and off course we all love it
8- All participating callsigns must apply!
Deadline for registration will be closed on 20 November 2015.
*we are aware that it is not possible to have a callsign with YOTA in suffix in all countries. Is this also your case and would you like to take part, contact us.
*all applicants applying for a YOTA callsign should be a member of an IARU member society.
More info: http://www.ham-yota.com/december-yota-month/
Registration page: http://www.ham-yota.com/december-yota-month/register/