Thanks to Brani (OM2FY) our lovely QSL Manager, we received some statistics about the QSL activity during the December YOTA Month 2014. Click here to download the Excel file!

As the December YOTA Month event is coming closer, it was time to write the 2nd bulletin. Please read everything through so everything is clear (hopefully) there won’t be any problems throughout the month. If you have any questions about the bulletin or in general, feel free to contact us at
Download the YOTA December MONTH 2014 Bulletin 2.1 here!
A big thanks to everyone who has put his/her time into this event! Together we can make YOTA even bigger!
Best 73′
The YOTA crew
Have a look at the bulletin for the latest info. Feel free to participate, send a mail to december(@)
After having last year the first edition of December YOTA month! it’s time for a new one.
During the whole month of December several countries will become active with YOTA as suffix in the callsign. The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters and take the microphone in the hand. As seen over the years the YOTA-group is growing fast and every week more youngsters are asking to participate. Let us all make YOTA popular in HAM radio and let us all help to put youngsters on the HAM radio train!
Would you like to participate? Send an e-mail to december(@) Register at least before 24 November.
The rules are simple:
1- Follow the rules 🙂 Although this is a friendly activity, some rules are needed.
2- Have a callsign with YOTA in suffix. For example: PA6YOTA
3- Maximum of 2 callsigns per country
4- Applicants must ensure that the callsign is used primarily to put Youngsters On The Air (Youngsters are defined by IARU R1 as ‘under-26’)
5- All QSO’s must be logged and send as ADIF file before 10 January
6- Make sure the callsign is regularly on air, as there are people searching for it
7- All QSO’s must be made in December 2014.
8- This is NOT a contest, we are trying to spread the word! Talk to people about what we do, not only quick 5/9’s. Admitting, a pile-up is always fun and off course we all love it J
Detailed information about the award, QSL handling and rules are coming soon in a bulletin.
* December YOTA month! is not limited to European countries only. This could be the first worldwide YOTA event!
73’s and hope to hear from you!
Tommy ON2TD and Lisa PA2LS,
on behalf of Youngsters On The Air-team.