
Youth Contesting Program

YCP 2018 – ARI International DX Contest @ES5TV

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When my Friend Fiodor IZ7YBG told me about his YCP experience I decided to apply myself.
I have been chosen for ES5TV station for ARI DX contest so I booked flights to Tallinn.

I met Tonno and he brought me to the station, where I met Oleg, YL3DW and Valeri, ES5QA. Tonno gave me a nice welcome to his station, he explained me how the station works. The Friday evening before the contest he let me use the station for practicing, I made some QSO’s together with his son Jasper, ES5JASS.

Other people joined us for the contest, and at 12:00Z Saturday the contest started. This was first Multi operator-Multi station contest for me and I learned many things, especially how big contest station works. I have been awake all night long as I was so enthusiastic about the contest. Even once the contest was finished, I could not get “ES9C CQ Contest” out of my head.

Tonno managed everything perfectly, he picked me up at the airport and provided food at the station. It had a lot of fun operating with the Latvian guys: Kristers YL3AJA, Oskars and Ritvars (from YL1ZT); I am also glad to have met Tarmo, ES5NHC, Tauri, ES5HTA and many other people.

The funniest thing was when I was speaking Italian to the Italians stations because they did not expect an Estonian station speaking their own language!

I am very happy for this experience, it has given me the opportunity to improve my ham radio skills, seeing a big gun station, but also meeting new people and visit a new country.
The day the contest finished I got the chance to take ferry to Helsinki (only 80km from Tallinn) and I visited Finland too.

I suggest every youngster to apply for the YCP, you will not regret!

73 de Riccardo, IV3CVN
(YCP member @ES5TV 2018)


Young contest team together with 9A1A

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On the weekend around 12th of May the annual CQ Mir International Contest took place. Together with a group of youngsters from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany and Austria I had the chance to take part from a Top-Gun station in Europe. I met this group only thanks to an initiative from IARU Region 1 Youth-Group.

For some years, Youngsters On The Air have given the opportunity to compete in an ordinary station without any qualifications and prior knowledge. Of course, I did not miss this opportunity! Part of the YCP-Team were Philipp (DK6SP) and Flo (OE3FTA). We met on Friday afternoon in the new club station of the ÖVSV in Vienna. From there we drove together to Croatia. After a few hours of driving, we were warmly welcomed by the team around 9A1A near Zagreb. Another youngster from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Emin (E71CQ) and some young people from the area around were already on site. We started with the most important thing: the food. After a good portion of Spaghetti we where ready to go on. It was time to get to know the station. My first job now was to get at least 300 Americans into my log. So called “Warmeup”. With such a setup, 4 towers with a height of 45 meters each, equipped with uncountable stacked monoband antennas, this task was done relatively quickly. So I was granted a few hours sleep. In the morning it was setup time. There were six stations to configure and prepare for the competition. The team had managed incredible 2 million points last year, and claiming first place worldwide. This position, No 1 World, had to be defended this year.

As a multi-single Station, multiple operator but only one signal on the bands at any time, we have been active on three bands simultaneously with an interlocking system. 24 hours mixed mode CW and SSB stood in front of us. After a hard night and a short power outage last year’s result unfortunately remained untouchable. Thanks to the amazing team and incredible station setup we achieved solid 2100 QSO`s and this resulted in 1.44 million points. A big thank you to the croatian radio amateurs whom I was allowed to support for a weekend! In my opinion, the Youth Contesting Program of IARU Region 1 was a great success. I am looking forward to next year!

73 de OE3BVB, Benjamin
(YCP member @9A1A 2018)

Youth Contesting Program (YCP) 2018

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In 2018 the Youth Contesting program of IARU R1 will be continued. Young members are invited to take part in a contest from one of the following stations:

• ES5TV: ARI International DX contest (5-6 May 2018)
• 9A1A: CQ M International DX contest (12-13 May 2018)
• EC2DX: His Maj. King of Spain contest (23-24 June 2018)
• 4O3A: CQWW RTTY contest (29-30 September 2018) 

• A44A Oman (CQWW 160m contest SSB February 2018)
(applications closed)

Are you interested? Here you will find more information and also the application link.

ROARS invites 2 youngsters to join A44A in CQWW 160m

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We are happy to announce that ROARS (Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society) is inviting 2 youngsters to join the A44A contest team. These 2 young radio amateurs will have the opportunity to join the CQ World Wide 160-Meter contest in SSB or CW in the beginning of 2018. The contest will take place at the ROARS stations (A47RS).
We are delighted to inform that ROARS will cover flight cost and accommodation for both youngsters.

Apply here as soon as possible if you are interested in taking part. A participant must be under the age of 26 years.

Deadline for application is 9 January.

Youngsters joining A44A in CQWW SSB 2017

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For the first time, two youngsters will join a multinational team at A44A during the upcoming CQ World Wide SSB contest. The idea behind this is to find new stations and hosts for future YCP (youth contest program) events and general YOTA purposes, like participating in events such as December month and Summer camps. The station is located in Muscat, Oman, and is the headquarter station of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) and is commonly known as A47RS. We would like to extend a huge thanks to the team in Oman and everyone else to make this project happen and we hope to see you down the log during the activity.


YCP contest at 4O3A cancelled

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Unfortunately we have to cancel the next contest in the Youth Contesting Program which was planned at 4O3A. It was scheduled to take part with a youth team in the CQWW RTTY contest next September.
4O3A suffered from fire in the area for a week. Luckily the station house survived. All cables, boxes and control units outside the house suffered from the fire. The pictures are showing the impact of the fire.
4O3A will be rebuilding the station soon and will be available again for YCP.

International Youth Meeting and YOTA flag hand over at HAM Radio

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Last weekend the IARU R1 International Youth meeting took place at HAM Radio Friedrichshafen. An enthusiastic group of young people and youth workers attended the meeting. Philipp DK6SP and Florian OE3FTA gave a presentation about their experiences in IARU R1’s youth contesting program at 9A1A. Find here the presentation.
The meeting ended with a discussion where many youngsters and youth coordinators shared their experiences on youth activities in several IARU R1 member societies.
A few highlights:

  • HamCamp had this year more than 100 participants, mostly youth
  • A youth team activated for a weekend PA6YOTA and PD6YOTA from club station PI4CC
  • Many Italian youngsters attended the meeting and shared several activities, such as taking part in a contest from IY4FGM, the location where Marconi transmitted the first radio signals
  • OeVSV shared their positive experiences of hosting YOTA 2016 in Austria
  • Radio amateurs from Japan and the USA joined the meeting, with interest of bringing Youngsters On The Air to IARU Region 2 and 3


YOTA key and flag hand over
On Saturday afternoon the official YOTA flag was literally brought from OeVSV booth to the RSGB booth under loud cheering of a group of youngsters. With a ceremony at the RSGB booth the flag and morse key where handed over from the Austrian youngsters to the British youngsters. Which means YOTA UK is now almost going to start, with only 3 weeks left. We are looking forward to the event which will welcome more than 80 participants from around 30 member societies.

9A1A YCP – CQ-Mir claimed scores are out

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Youngsters team from Croatia claimed World 1st in the CQ-Mir contest held in May. Now waiting for the final results. 🙂

Call QSO Pts Mult Total
1 . 9A1A 2704 5574 349 1945326
2 . UA4M 2681 5285 313 1654205
3 . UA4S 2674 5292 302 1598184
4 . RT4F 2715 5335 297 1584495
5 . RT5G 2062 3823 240 917520
6 . LZ7A 1639 3317 237 786129
7 . R5DC 1509 2942 226 664892
8 . RM1Q 1598 3195 207 661365
9 . RT4D 1406 2750 235 646250
10. UI9I 1500 3006 214 643284