Today the YOTA event kicked off!
We started the day with an early breakfast, and had the first presentation at 8:30,
this was about the the current status of the radio station.
After a 15min break, the SDR workshop started, everyone got a free DVB-T dongle so they can do some basic SDR receiving, the workshop helped youngsters install SDR# software, gave short introductions to APRS/AX.25, weather sat decoding, SSTV and satellite tracking.
The next workshop was even more hands on, building a 2m/70cm dual-band handheld Yagi, with injection moulded supports and CNC cut fixing holes, it was so hands on the organizers had to threaten participants with lions to get the participants back to their seats for the next presentation.
Train the trainer is all about how to get youngsters in the Hamradio hobby,
the main ideas are:
- ARISS contact
- Amsat
- Social media
- Basic license classes
- workshops
- contests
- Starting youth club
- Fox hunting
- youngsters camp
- CBers, BOS paramedics
- Construction of stuff
- Scouts/field days
After lunch, we had a nice presentation about the preservation of Cheetahs, and even had one visit us!
A short break later, we were introduced to the BACAR (Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio) project, which is a whole story in itself, so we will come back about this later.
After dinner, it was time for the intercultural evening, where all the countries provide food and drinks from their country following camp tradition.