In 2017 the Youth Contesting Program (YCP) of IARU R1 will be continued. Youth members from IARU R1 member societies are invited to take part in a contest from so called “Top-Gun” stations. These young HAM’s will learn how to operate the contest station, improve their contest skills and will aim for the best results together as a team. A youngster will probably be coming for the first time to the host country and will get the chance to experience this country and share amateur radio knowledge with local youngsters.
Announced contest locations:
ES5TV ARI International DX contest (6-7 May 2017)
9A1A 9A1RBZ CQ M International DX contest (13-14 May 2017)
4O3A CQWW RTTY contest (23-24 September 2017)
Are you interested? Have a look at this page for more information.