This year the 26th edition of the European Hamradio School Stations Day will take part on the 5th of May, from 7:00 to 17:00 UTC.
Also known as “Europe Day”, this event is organised by Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule e.V. (AATiS) and it’s a fantastic opportunity for schools, universities, training centers, and individual amateur radio enthusiasts to connect with eachother.
The event is not a contest but a special activation open to anyone (hamradio or not) and its goal is to make as many contacts as possible with radio stations from all over Europe but most importantly make students have fun while doing so!
– HF: the active bands will be 20m, 40m and 80m (the activity will be centred around 14.270 MHz, 7.120 MHz, 3.770 MHz respectively).
– VHF/UHF: this will include all VHF UHF bands plus relays, echolink and digital voice (DV). It will give the opportunity to do QSO’s even with limited equipment
– Satellites: QO-100 satellite can be used for long-range connections
– The connections can be made in phone or digital modes. Valid digital modes are only those for which keyboard input is necessary during the QSO (i.e. PSK31 yes, FT8/FT4 no), except digital voice.
– Callsign, RS(T), MH locator, first name, age, name of school and RIA number (if available)
Log submission:
– Logs should be submitted no later than two weeks after Europe Day to [europatag@aatis.de](mailto:europatag@aatis.de)
Evaluation and prices:
– PDF certificates are available for all the stations that submitted a valid log within the deadline
– When uploading the logs, include photos of the operators taken during the event to be included on the certificate
– Additional achievements such as longest single distance and most school stations reached will appear as stickers on the certificate of participation (see more at https://www.aatis.de/content/participation-rules-26th-european-hamradio-school-stations-day)
Additional notes:
– Teachers without a school station are encouraged to participate and can apply for a RIA number by submitting their ‘teacher profile’ on the AATiS website
– To make specific contacts from school to school, arrange skeds in advance using the AATiS school station list by sending an enquiry to schoolstaions@aatis.de